The service, a rent-a-car type with a twist, was launched on June 18 in Vancouver.

As a member of the car2go service, one can rent a smart car anytime they need it or they can reserve one using the Internet (www.car2govancouver.com) or in person by visiting 45 Water Street in Gastown. Free membership registration is still ongoing until July 3. Meanwhile, car availability may also be checked using the Internet or smartphone application.
When one rents a car, they do not have to worry about time limits or worry about returning the car to the same point, they just have to simply leave the vehicles at permitted parking spaces within an area specified by the program or at any marked car2go parking areas. Rental rates are usually by the minute but you can also request to rent hourly or daily, the latter options will give the members discount prices. The rates already include fuel, mileage, parking, insurance, GPS navigation and maintenance.
Source: Benzinsider.com
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